PSL statement on Covid-19 matchday protocol

There have been suggestions, after the President’s address on Thursday 30 September 2021, that it might be possible to allow a limited number of spectators to attend upcoming PSL matches.
Unfortunately, the new Disaster Management Act regulations continue to prohibit spectators at matches.
Section 69(10) of the regulations requires “strict adherence” to the provisions which have limited those permitted at matches to persons strictly necessary for the match.
Sub-section 69 (10) (d) expressly confirms that “no spectators are allowed at the venue of the sports match” and subsections 12 and 13 make attendance (and permitting attendance) a criminal offence.
It is important that all PSL supporters and fans understand this.
The League Covid-19 protocol and the process which regulates the persons who are permitted to attend matches will remain in place until such time as there are new regulatory changes.